Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rumble in the Jungle

Jay took on his first outdoor house project this weekend! He cleaned out the gutters and then decided to clean up the backyard by cutting down tree limbs and bushes. The pile of branches GREW AND GREW AND GREW. He really opened up the space, and the yard looks twice as big!

Jay does not appreciate the Crepe Myrtle in the background, but Tuttle and I both love it!

The weather this weekend has been AMAZING! How is it the end of January and 60 degrees during the day? Jamie and I took the boys to the PDK Airport yesterday afternoon. We are so close now that we got some exercise and walked.

Will had been to the PDK Airport and playground many times, but this was Tuttle's first time. He was a little nervous with all the action (planes were taking off or landing every few minutes), but he was really interested in watching the planes fly around. I know we will be back again soon!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Cohen!

We celebrated Cohen's THIRD birthday today at the Children's Museum. It is really hard to imagine that he is already three. Rachel was my first friend to have a baby, and I vividly remember her telling me she was pregnant-it seems like yesterday!

I was curious to see how Tuttle would like the Children's Museum. My mom bought him a membership for Christmas, but we had not cashed it in yet. He did go when he was much younger with Stella and Dylan, but I do not even remember if he was crawling then. 

He LOVED the different hands-on activities, especially the fishing area and the painting section. It was pretty much impossible to stay together as a group for Cohen's birthday because there was so much to see and do that the boys all headed in opposite directions, but all the kids had a blast!

Tuttle was extremely curious about milking his first cow! Haha!

Silly boys!!
Here is an attempt at ALMOST everyone. Colton was exploring the place with his big brother.

While Tuttle was painting, a woman questioned whether he had painted his creation or me. She swore it looked just like an elephant. Tuttle is obviously a genius! :)

All the excitement and celebration wore my little boy out- he slept over THREE HOURS!

Happy Birthday, Cohen!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Girls' Night Out

While Tuttle is visiting Grandmommy and Grandaddy this weekend, I enjoyed a dinner out with the girls at Kaleidoscope. It was my first time trying this Brookhaven spot, and I was very impressed. I do not know if all food tastes good to this prego mommy because I have been loving every new restaurant, and I am usually very picky about eating out, but I will be returning to this one. :)

These girls are the BEST! I always enjoy every second we spend together!

Today I attended my first photography lesson at Callenwolde Fine Arts Center. It is a five week series, and I can already tell that I will be able to use my camera a lot more and be able to tweak my photos to really look great with the new tricks the teacher presented. My camera does a lot more than I realized! Now it is really worth that big price tag! :)

A Little "Peanut" Update

Week 14

Weight gain: About 7 pounds....YIKES!

Maternity Clothes: I do not really need them, but I love showing off the bump, so I wear maternity shirts frequently or belt my dresses.

Sleep: No trouble sleeping. I do get up once or twice to use the bathroom during the night.

Gender: Still unknown. I think it's a GIRL!

Belly Button: Definitely out very early.

What I miss: Nothing really. I honestly do not give up very much except for alcohol.

What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in about four weeks!!

Milestone: Finally getting over morning sickness which I never experienced with Tuttle and buying our first piece of furniture for the nursery (a BEAUTIFUL gray dresser from Lisa Williams!)

Size of baby: Size of a lemon. He/she is about 3.5 inches long and 1.5 ounces.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jay!

Since we closed on the house on Jay's birthday, his celebration was very much overshadowed. The next few weekends involved a lot of unpacking and organizing, so this past Sunday we were FINALLY able to celebrate his 31st birthday properly with his family. :)

Jay's chose to eat at Chops in Atlanta, and we were not disappointed. 

Jay ordered a 20 ounce bone-in ribeye and LOVED every bite. I am not a steak person, so I ate the most delicious seafood platter, complete with lobster, scallops, and salmon topped with crab. YUMMY!

We braved the meal with Tuttle, and he did really good. I came armed with yogurt melts, trains, an etch-a-sketch, and YouTube on my phone. (I used the swear I would NEVER be the parent that allowed their child to watch television at a restaurant, but sometimes survival is the major goal.) Everyone also took turns walking him around to see the lobster tank (minus one that was on my plate!), the elevator, and the open kitchen. 

I gave Tuttle the lemon from my seafood plate to try. His expression was HILARIOUS. Since he got such a laugh from everyone, he continued to suck on it again and again!

We think we have officially found the new go-to restaurants for family celebrations! I highly recommend Chops!

Happy Birthday, Jay! I am so lucky to be a part of your life.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Catching Up

We have been very busy unpacking in the new house and getting back into a routine after the holidays. Jay and I are loving the additional space in the house. We actually have the option of being in different rooms as opposed to sitting in the crowded living room in the evenings, so we rarely see each other once Tuttle goes to bed! :)

Tuttle and I returned to the preschool this week and dressed up on Tuesday and Thursday for "Wacky Week." It was "Stripes/Polka Dots Day" on Tuesday and "Tacky Day" on Thursday.

Please note this will be the last "paci picture" on the blog because I have charged full steam ahead to only allow the paci in the car and in the crib. The second picture on tacky day highlights Tuttle's attitude about losing his precious paci although it has gotten MUCH BETTER after five days. He really does not cry or beg for it during the day and has stopped throwing fits when I throw it back in his crib when he wakes up.

On Friday, Genesis and Jett came over to check out the new house. Jett has grown up so much, and Tuttle really interacted with him and even voluntarily shared his toys. It seems like Jett will be crawling any day now. Then these two boys can really take advantage of the extra space in the house!

Tuttle has finally adjusted to the big move. Our neurotic dog is another story. He has definitely used his new big boys skills to explore, climb, and hide in every nook and cranny. He is at such a fun age and is attempting to talk more without that dang paci hanging out of his mouth! :)

Weekend Plans: Unpack EVERY box and check out the Scott Antique Market with Jamie, Matt, and Will. Post to come!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Breakfast Playdate and Bridal Shower

Tuttle and I started off our day with a breakfast playdate. Jamie and I decided, "Why not have a playdate at 8am? We are already up!" So, Jamie and Will bought doughnuts and milk over to our house. I love having the space to entertain in our new house, especially the sunroom/playroom that Tuttle and his friends can play in and destroy with all the toddler madness! :)

Tuttle devouring his blueberry doughnut

Will loving Tuttle's new train table

What sweet boys! I am extremely happy that Tuttle gets to grow up around his Ashford Park buddies!!
While Jay and Tuttle enjoyed a little father/son time fixing things around the house, I scooted off to celebrate Shelly and Evan's upcoming wedding at Shelly's bridal shower- Project Runway themed! Genesis hosted the shower and ALWAYS creates the most impressive parties with every detail accounted for.

Pin Cushion Cupcakes!

The Bride-to-Be

We played the most creative game- "Create a Bridesmaid's Dress" using a box of fabric, duct tape, pins, and your imagination. The final products could definitely compete on Project Runway!

All the Lovely Ladies

The countdown has begin Shelly and Evan! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

One Box at a Time

We are slowly, but surely, unpacking boxes, rearranging furniture, and organizing our new home. Surprisingly we are already feel very comfortable after only two days. We are enjoying the extra space- Jay even found a few minutes of peace in his office tonight before Tuttle heard him watching a video clip and ran in. :)

The only issue we are facing is Tuttle adjusting to his new environment. He is extra fussy and seems to have tantrums over nothing. I can understand his confusion and fear being in a new place. Last night he slept in his pack-n-play in our room. Tonight we are attempting a night in his crib now that his room is in order. He does seem to LOVE his new playroom complete with little table/chairs, train table, and all his new Christmas presents. 

Paging, Dr. Tuttle.

Train table and convenient seat!
Since it is New Year's Day, it is only right to state my resolutions, so I am held accountable:

1. Wash/fold one of load of laundry every two days. This prevents a mountain of laundry in my new clean home.

2. Eat at least one veggie everyday. Healthy for me and "Peanut"/Sad I do not do this already.

Happy New Year!!