Monday, October 14, 2024

Major Catch-Up Required

 I do not even know where to start, but I refuse to let this blog die away, so I am going to photo dump the last three and a half months. :)

Our summer finished strong and fall started with more beach adventures, boat days, birthday celebrations, sleepaway camps, pool time, sports practices, and cheering on the Dawgs!

Gram gifted us with our annual trip to St. Simons Island, so Jay was able to go this year!

Maggie ran with Jay for his 20th consecutive Peachtree Road Race!

We loved celebrating Wesley and Mandy's engagement.

We finally took the boat out on Lake Allatoona and realized how EASY it is to spend the day on the water, so we used it several more times before the end of the season. Tuttle was able to drive multiple times with his boating license.

Maggie celebrated her 12th birthday with an outdoor movie on the trampoline. Several girls lasted almost all night sleeping under the stars, too!

The Roberts hosted us at their beautiful Hilton Head Island beach house for a parents' weekend away.

Jacob is dominating on the football field this year starting on both offense and defense.

Jay planned the PERFECT 40th birthday party for me with all my favorite people. Despite Hurricane Helene causing a lot of stress leading up to the event, it was the most memorable night with the best decor, food, and friends/family.

We do not get up to Athens nearly enough, but the McCormicks joined us for a weekend in The Classic City for a Bulldawg WIN!

Even though most days do not wind down before 10pm, I am going to try my best to not wait months between posts. Life is crazy, but preserving the memories is essential because it goes by way too fast. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

School's Out- Now What?

 We did not waste any time shipping all three kids off to Camp Glisson to start the summer. It was the only summer that all three could attend the same week before Tuttle moves up to the upper high school session.

I love that Maggie and Gwen want to go together each year. They are such sweet cousins.

Jacob was a little apprehensive to return to Camp Glisson this year. He was disappointed last year during mini camp, but I am convinced rain all week really put a damper on his fun. As soon as I picked him up this year, he asked if he could return for additional week. He did not want to leave! All three Thorne kids are now Camp Glisson committed!

The kids do not get to have all the fun....

 Jay and I enjoyed dinner with cousins at our favorite Downtown Roswell spot. We celebrated an engagement and a pregnancy announcement!

We also kicked off summer with the Foxhoff Summer Kickoff. Melissa and Kevin know how to throw a party. The live music, food, and company are always the perfect way to start the season- not to mention their picturesque backyard!

We celebrated Father's Day with breakfast at Waffle House, swimming, and a steak dinner. 

One of the most unexpected part of June was sneaking away for a Girls' Weekend with Jackie and two of her college friends in Knoxville. Jackie and I typically go years between visits despite the fact that we talk on the phone several times a week. With seven kids between us, there is never free time! It was such a blessing to recharge with these girls!

Our next destination was our annual lake trip to Richard B. Russell State Park. Jay has to sit out this year since he just started a new job, but the kids and I made the most of the week even though we missed Daddy!

Tuttle worked hard to complete a boating certification course, so he would take the fishing boat out on his own. He spent the week taking all the kids on rides.

I depended heavily on Chip and Travis to take my kids out on the pontoon boat for tubing. I was still working remotely, and without Jay there, we did not have a representative from our family that could actually drive the boat. All three Thorne kids spent hours being tossed and flipped around the lake!

The lake always guarantees that we feel relaxed and recharged. We appreciate all the time and effort that Gram and Grumps always put into this memorable week. 

While summer is already flying by, we still have a lot more fun to come!

Wrapping Up ALL The Things

 May was full of all the ceremonies, parties, awards, and performances.

We never need an excuse to celebrate Grandaddy, but turning 82 is a good reason if we need one!

Tuttle's 14th birthday party was postponed from April because the boys are all involved in sports, but we squeezed in a low-key party in May with some of his best guys.

Maggie's team opted for a party instead of a state meet gift. Lennox hosted at her beautiful home in Buckhead, and we organized a private hibachi chef for dinner. These girls constantly work so hard and deserve to be recognized for their commitment.

The moms (and dads!) also deserve to be recognized for their driving services to practices and meets as well as their open checkbooks! :)

Maggie's banquet wrapped up the year in Level 7! She is eager to train with a new group/new coaches and more advanced skills.

Field Day is always one of Jacob's favorite days of the year. He even qualified to represent his class in the relay race!

All these May events were not just for the Thorne kids. Holland and Piper stole the show on stage for their dance recitals!

Jacob took home ALL the awards at his "Donut Grow-Up" ceremony. He was recognized for all top marks on his report cards, excelling at math and reading, representing his class on Field Day, and being the "Critical Thinker" for Ms. Wilson's Class.

Well, we made it! Goodbye 3rd, 6th, and 8th grade! Hello, SUMMER!

Please ignore the fact that we have a HIGH SCHOOL student now.....