Friday, July 25, 2014

Maggie Turns Two!

Yesterday Maggie turned TWO YEARS OLD. We had a low key day celebrating because her main birthday event is tomorrow with the grandparents.
Daddy went into work a little later, so we could all have breakfast and open presents with Maggie. I picked up her favorite- pink frosted donuts from Dunkin' Donuts. Unfortunately she was too excited about her presents to eat anything! :)
She received a pink scooter, a Dorothy doll, a set of tiaras, a vet kit complete with dog travel carrier, and a Tinkerbell movie. Her balloons were also a big hit!
After getting dressed we met up with the Foleys for a picnic at the park followed by ice cream at the Frosty Caboose. Maggie ate her ice cream AND mine. :)
We ended the day with the kids favorite meal of spaghetti. It was such a sweet day celebrating our Maggie Moo.
At two years old Margaret Ruth Thorne
-- is wearing 12m and 18m dresses and some 24m pants and shorts sets. I will get actual height and weight measurements at her checkup in August
-- sleeps from 8pm-8am and takes one 1.5-2 hour nap MOST days
-- is starting to show major signs of potty training. She will successfully go almost every time she sits on the potty and usually lets us know if she needs to go poop.
-- loves anything pink and has started wanting to dress up in anything pink, including princess costumes and dress-up high heels
-- enjoys watching Strawberry Shortcake the most
-- is still obsessed with Hello Kitty (or as she pronounces it: Da Da Jilly)
-- has improved in her gymnastics class and can independently do a summer sault, donkey kicks and pull her feet up to touch the bar while hanging. If you ask her who her best friend is, her response is ALWAYS Coach Todd.
-- spends a lot of time trying on everyone's shoes in the house. She can walk better in my high heels than I can.
-- will antagonize her brother (Baa-Boo) as if it is her sole mission sometimes. She tries to sneak into his room whenever he turns his back. She plays the role of little sister perfectly. :)
-- wants to be referred to as a baby. She does not like to be called a big girl most of the time
-- is currently obsessed with all the songs from Frozen
-- confidently walks into her church nursery and the YMCA nursery with no tears. She is 100% ready for preschool to start.
-- likes to dance, push her doll stroller around the house, and put together Magna-Tiles with Tuttle
-- LOVES to swing and begs to swing at the park and on our back porch daily
-- carries around three blankets (or Shookies) and must have all three to go to sleep
-- is the sweetest, funniest, and cutest two year old I know
We cannot wait to celebrate more this weekend! Maggie is definitely looking forward to her special day.

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