Sunday, November 23, 2014

Our Weekend

This was the last lazy weekend for the foreseeable future, so we enjoyed getting some things done around the house and spending time as a little family.
Friday afternoon Tuttle had his second basketball practice. He is still loving it, but he admitted that he preferred kicking a ball in soccer. Unfortunately Maggie slipped on the water fountain and busted her lip, so practice ended with a lot of tears and blood. I decided pizza for dinner at Newk's would make everyone happy!
Saturday I had an appointment at the hair salon. This usually only happens one or twice a year. I knew that chopping off my hair was my only chance at actually styling it instead of the daily ponytail for my long hair. I love the change and even curled it for church this morning.
Aunt Peach came over to visit and helped assist Jay in switching around furniture. I wanted to unbunk Tuttle's beds and switch Maggie's crib into a toddler bed.
Maggie was thrilled to have a big girl bed until bedtime. It was a rough night, but I know she will learn to love the change.
Today we successfully made it to church despite ALL THE RAIN. I really just wanted an excuse to style my new haircut! Tuttle went directly to Sunday School, but Maggie requested to go to Big Church with Mommy and Daddy. She was so good and quiet and finally fell asleep on Daddy. I think her restless night in her toddler bed caught up to her. Sweet baby.
We are spending the rest of the afternoon running a few errands and snuggling on the couch. We need all the rest we can get to tackle the holiday events coming up!

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