Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Jacob Turns Four Months!

Jacob Corbitt Thorne has been a part of our family for four months now.

 Jacob now eats between 4-6 ounces each feeding. He can usually last approximately 2.5 hours between each meal. He takes about three naps during the day, but the morning nap is the only sleep that he typically gets in his crib during the day since Tuttle and Maggie are always on the go! He goes to bed about 7pm and sleeps until 7am with one night feeding between 1am and 4am. We unswaddled him several days ago, and he seems much more comfortable in his bed although he sleeps in such a strange position with his head arched back as far as possible. I thought he would roll over and sleep on his tummy, but he prefers his back. He wears footed pajamas and a sleep sack at night. 

I predict that he may be teething soon because he has started chewing on his hands all the time and drooling. Luckily he does not seem to be uncomfortable.

Jacob's favorite activities include sitting in his new seat, riding in the Ergo, rolling on his playmat (He can only roll from his back to his stomach), and pretending to stand on his little chicken legs with Mommy holding him up. He hates to be held like a baby. He has to be upright to see all the action. :)

He is wearing 6m clothes and Size 2 diapers. I have enjoyed dressing a little boy so much. I never put Tuttle in bubbles and jon jons, so Jacob has a closet FULL! 

Jacob is really the happiest baby. It is extremely easy to get him to smile! He loves to be called "Little Boy" or "Chicken Nugget." He gets a lot of attention from Tuttle and Maggie as well as the parents and kids at school, and he does not shy away from it. He opens his mouth for a HUGE toothless grin whenever someone is taking on over him. He is still content to be passed around to all the people that want to snuggle him which gives Mommy a little break.

I cannot believe 1/3 of a year has already flown by! Jacob is the perfect attention to our crazy lives. Happy Four Months, Sweet Boy!

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