Monday, September 12, 2016

Jacob Turns Eight Months!

Jacob Corbitt Thorne has been a part of our family for eight months now.

Jacob continues to drink 6 ounce bottles with one 8 ounce bottle right at bedtime. I frequently also give him 4 ounce bottles because he can hold the smaller bottles by himself more easily if he needs a little snack on the run. He now eats 3 meals of solid food and prefers real food over pureed baby food now. His favorites include yogurt, hard boiled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, macaroni and cheese, green beans, broccoli, cheese sticks, crackers, and avocado. He has become interested in a sippy cup with water, as well. 

Little Boy is down to two naps a day. He takes a LONG nap each morning while Tuttle and Maggie are at school which is usually close to two hours. His afternoon nap is on the go most days in the carseat between sports for his brother and sister. He still goes to bed between 6:30-7:30 and has slept twelve hours without waking several times. This last week I think he has been teething, so he has woken up once for a bottle, but since he can hold his own now, I am quickly back to bed after handing him some milk.

Jacob stood up for the first time this month by pulling up on Maggie's dollhouse, and he loves to stand up using anything he can grab now. He is not cruising around furniture yet, but he does like to support himself with only one hand once he has climbed up. Little Boy is still army crawling and getting faster everyday. He seems to want to crawl on his knees, but after a few moves, he realizes his army style is much faster and drops to his belly. He LOVES to get into areas that he is not supposed to be like the rocks in the fireplace, behind the toilet, Smelly's food bowl as she is eating, and even the opened pantry door. We can tell this boy is going to be TROUBLE. :)

Jacob still wears 9m clothes and 12m pajamas, but he can fit into 12m bubbles now. He still wears a Size 4 diaper. I tried to switch to the cheaper Luvs diapers, but I quickly learned that blowouts are inevitable in the less expensive version every time!

Our sweet boy still steals the hearts of everyone he meets. He even has teachers fighting for his attention on a daily basis at pickup for Tuttle. I always have someone eager to hold him. We just love this energetic, happy baby so much!

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