Thursday, January 5, 2017

Christmas Break Is Over

We just officially got back into a routine today with work, school, and sports, and honestly everyone was ready to return to normal life. You can only have so much downtime. :)

We did pack in some more fun before the end of the break. One of Maggie's favorite gifts is her new Twister game. Naturally her gymnastics skills paid off!

We took a great family walk with the kids' new riding toys. Jacob felt like such a big boy in his new tricycle from Grandmommy and Grandaddy. We ventured to the elementary school playground and had a friendly family competition on an obstacle course. I really impressed myself with the monkey bars!

After car shopping with Daddy on his birthday, 12/29, we had Gram and Grumps keep all three kids, so we could really celebrate on Friday! I had organized for Jay's good friends to meet us for dinner and afterward we went in-door skydiving with one of the couples! The attraction had just opened up, and I was eager to do something adventurous for Jay's birthday. 

Jay took to in-door skydiving immediately, but I choked with my first try and only lasted a few seconds. I just was not prepared for the amount of air pressure and literally felt like I could not breathe. I forced myself to try again for my second turn and completed my time including the high flight with the instructor. It was definitely a unique experience, and Jay loved it. I will not be jumping out of a plane anytime soon, though.

On New Years Day I wanted to start the year off right by attending church with the kids. Daddy stayed home to get a jump on taking down the outside decorations. I was so proud of myself for arriving early to the service only to find there was no childcare. We only lasted through the first song in big church until Jacob was too determined to crawl as fast as he could up the center aisle and threw a fit when I did not let him. At least they looked adorable for church....

We fit in one last adventure before school started. Tuttle and Maggie have been asking to visit the World of Coke for a while now, so Gram treated us to a fun morning. We learned about the history of Coke, checked out a bottling exhibit, watched a 4D movie (which terrified Maggie and Jacob), and ended in the anticipated tasting room. Maggie and Tuttle went to town trying as many Coke products as they could- a treat they rarely experience at home. The Varsity was the perfect place to grab lunch afterwards. Thanks for a great field trip, Gram!

While the kids did go back to school today, snow is predicted for tomorrow night, so both kids are released two hours early tomorrow. We are hoping for some snow to stick, so we can use our sleds from Grandmommy for some fun! 

Time to bundle up!

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