Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mystery Reader and Mother's Day Weekend

Tuttle had been waiting all year to surprise Maggie at school as the Mystery Reader. The big day finally arrived about a week ago.

Maggie was clearly very proud to sit next to her big brother as he read two Dr. Seuss books to her sweet friends. Despite their constant bickering, the bond between Tuttle and Maggie is so special.

As soon as we arrived home from preschool, Daddy was waiting to take all three babies to visit Grandmommy and Grandaddy. I had requested some time alone for Mother's Day, and I knew Grandmommy would love spending time with Jay and the grandchildren. Win/win!

After a THREE HOUR nap, I met up with some neighborhood girlfriends to try out a new Chamblee restaurant: Hopstix. The food was amazing, and it had been way too long since I had caught up with my friends that we talked for hours and were almost the last table to leave!

I had only requested 24 hours by myself, but Jay ended up staying in Madison for another night. My second day alone was spent being absolutely lazy. I ordered Uber Eats and watched Netflix all day. It was Mommy Heaven!

I was ready to see my family on Sunday. I just love these little babies so much! 

This will go down as my best Mother's Day to date. Sleep allows a mommy to really recharge! :)