Friday, August 31, 2018

Teeth and Teachers

Our Maggie Moo has been rocking the 1st grade and has become more mature within just a few weeks at school. To add to her independence, she finally pulled her first tooth that has been wiggling for months. I caught one final picture of our tiny girl with all her baby teeth not knowing that later that evening that her smile would never be the same. (For some reason this milestone has really gotten to me that my babies are growing up too fast!)

Daddy tried his hardest to convince Maggie that he should pull it, but in true Maggie fashion she wanted to do it on her own. We are lucky to have neighbors that helped supply cash to the Tooth Fairy, so she did not have to venture out again to the bank. :)

Jacob's turn to meet his new teachers came this week, too. He is going to attend three mornings a week with the Owl Class, and he was eager to explore his classroom. Before we left, I asked him what he was going to say to his teachers, and he replied, "I'm boss baby." 

At least he put it all out there in the beginning. Sometimes I cannot handle this boy's shenanigans.

There were several familiar faces in his class and an overwhelming amount of toys for our little boy. He did not want to leave despite my promise that we would visit the school playground. 

I do not think one tear will be shed next week at drop-off. He is ready for another year at OPP.

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