Thursday, May 19, 2022


 It is that time of year when we are busier than December with all the activities, banquets, parties, and awards. Everyone is in hyper-drive for the next two weeks before the end of the school year!

Tuttle's 6th grade awards ceremony was Monday afternoon. We were expecting more individual awards, but the school only recognized grades. Tuttle received All A's (and one B last quarter in math) for his first year in middle school. It was a huge adjustment for Tuttle, but he accepted the challenge and succeeded in all advanced classes, including accelerated math. I feel like I kinda earned the award, too, with all the studying help and support I gave him all year! :)

Jacob participated in his first field day on Tuesday. I braved the heat to cheer him on for the last half of the event. I loved how his school incorporated water into almost all the games, so the students could tolerate the heat! Jacob left soaked, exhausted, and happy!

Jacob learned how to run a relay race in PE class, and he was selected to represent his class in the kindergarten competition. He ran his little heart out!

After school we only had time for a quick rest and change of clothes before Maggie's gymnastics banquet. It was so strange to see the girls in real clothes and styled hair instead of leos and buns. They are all so beautiful and the best of friends. Roswell Gymnastics continues to excel at all competitions, and we are looking forward to Level 6!

The banquets continued Wednesday night with dinner with Tuttle's baseball team. I failed to take any photos, and unfortunately the night took a turn when Tuttle tripped over a teammate in the parking lot and landed on his left knee with all his weight on concrete. After lots of tears and bandages to dress the wounds, Tuttle was adamant about staying with his team to celebrate. He did stay home from school today due to the pain, but the swelling seems to be going down and he can put weight on it. We decided to evaluate it the next few days to see if we need to get a doctor involved.

Maggie's turn for field day was today, and like any competition, she takes it VERY seriously. Ms. Pitkins, her teacher, is also very cutthroat when her class is challenged, so they make a great team.

Maggie qualified to represent her class in the relay race, as well. Her class took an early lead with Maggie FLYING around the track, but another class caught up at the end. I should be embarrased how loud I was cheering for a field day relay race, but at the last moment, Maggie's team pulled ahead and WON!

Maggie's sweet boyfriend agreed to a photo, so I am either saving this for their senior slide show or their wedding. :)

The kids only have FIVE more days of school until school is over, but we are gearing up for another busy week of more parties and award ceremonies. We are going to need that summer vacation!

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