Friday, December 30, 2022

A Christmas to Remember

 Time did not slow down at all as we sped toward Christmas Day. The kids actually had school until December 22, so the week was filled with themed days, parties, and final tests for Tuttle.

Jacob's 1st grade teacher treats Christmas as her Super Bowl with all the activities, crafts, dress up days, and fun! I made a snack for Grinch Day and read a few of our favorite holiday books to his class.

Maggie had to skip school on Monday and Tuesday for gym practice, but she returned just in time on Wednesday for her class party. She helped create a "Poke-a-Tree" game, and it was a big hit with her classmates. I cannot believe it was her last elementary holiday party!

Jacob's class performed the most adorable play for the parents during their party. Since he is one of the tallest kids, he was on the back row, so he is blocked by Santa in the group picture. Luckily I took a complete video of the performance to share the songs and story line with Daddy, Tuttle, and Maggie. :)

I also used Christmas as another excuse to get together with my favorite neighborhood girlfriends for a dinner out in Roswell.

We ventured to Peachtree Road United Methodist Church for Christmas Eve service and were reminded again why it is so hard to find a church closer to our new home. PRUMC is such a beautiful and special place, especially during the holiday season. We always leave with the decision that we will make the drive more often to worship there.

Christmas Eve is one of the only nights that the kids willingly go to bed. All three were in their rooms before 8pm!

Despite all their naughtiness, the Thorne kids received a visit from Santa!

Maggie set an alarm for 6:50am, so everyone was up bright and early to investigate their loot. Tuttle was most surprised with his new iPhone 13!

Jacob spent ALL DAY assembling his two big Lego sets.

Even though it was very cold, the weather did not keep Maggie off her new scooter. Holland and Piper received the same scooter from Grandmommy and Grandaddy, so all three rode until it got dark!

We hosted Grandmommy and Grandaddy and the Peace Family on Christmas Day, so we had another explosion of gifts and fun once they arrived. Jacob's Pop-a-Shot basketball game was the biggest hit. Even Grandaddy was shooting hoops!

The next day we celebrated our final Christmas celebration at Larry and Beth's house. Beth and Gram have organized an outreach activity the past few years with the cousins. This year everyone assembled treat bags and stuffed animals for Hope House at MUST.

We have so much to be thankful for this Christmas season. This was a holiday to remember!

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