Today Margaret Ruth Thorne has been part of our family for two months.
At 2 Months, Maggie
- is 9 lbs, 6 oz (7%)- She is a PEANUT! :)
- is 22.5 inches long (48%)
- eats about 2.5-3 ounces every 2.5-3 hours during the day
- spits up far less often since we have changed to Enfamil Gentlease.
- wears 0-3 month clothes (FINALLY!).
- wakes up once a night to eat, but she has gone 3-4 nights with about 7 hour stretches!
- is struggling with painful gas, but we are hoping to get a solution from our doctor tomorrow.
- still LOVES the swing and takes most of her naps in it.
- still must be swaddled to be comfortable
- still takes a bath every morning in the baby tub while Tuttle eats breakfast.
- has moved into her room to sleep at night in her bassinet.
- has started to be happy playing in the bouncy seat or on the play mat for short periods of time.
- usually rides in the Baby Bjorn during walks since Mommy has three kids around now.
- gets over stimulated very easily.
- has started to take a paci more often, but she still does not cry for one like Tuttle did.
- smiles A LOT! :)
She is a total doll!!!!