Sunday, September 9, 2012

Supper Club and a Little Georiga Football

After a VERY busy week watching three babies, we kept the action going this weekend.

Jay and I were finally able to host Supper Club at our house Friday evening. It was way past due, and I was very happy that everyone could come. We had a full house with 12 adults and 9 kids. It was a trial run to see how our house handles large crowds, and it passed the test. The biggest hit was the playroom which looked like a war zone at the end! :) 

Katy and Calley

Laurel and James

If it was not for Jay, the house would have been a wreck and no food would be available to eat. I planned to host before knowing how busy my day is with three kids, and I was not able to lift a finger to help Jay. My only contribution was buying the food. Jay straightened the house, set up the beverage and food stations, placed additional seating around the house, and cooked the food. I have the BEST husband!

We served a low country boil. It was yummy along with the sides everyone else brought. 

We bribed the kids to sit on the ledge outside with cupcakes. It worked! Our group is growing and growing, and four of the mommies are pregnant again!!

Maggie Ruth slept almost the entire party, but she woke up long enough to smile for the camera.

Tuttle has officially hit the age where he entertains himself at gatherings, and Jay and I can actually enjoy conversation without worrying about what Tuttle is getting into. As everyone was packing up, I noticed Tuttle was snuggling in his bed. I went to check on him and found Will reading to Tuttle. At the end of each book, Tuttle was requesting, "More, please." It was one of the cutest moments to date. 

We loved catching up with our Ashford Park friends.

Even though the Georgia game did not begin until after 7pm Saturday night, I dressed up the kids, and we took them to Heather and Patrick's house in Decatur to watch some football. I definitely got a break because Maggie was passed from friend to friend, and Tuttle ran all over the house having the time of his life.

Jenn and Maggie
After having a little boy, Maggie gets dressed up to the max! She was sporting a barrette, Georgia onesie, polka dot bloomers, and a red/white/black tutu. Our girl was ADORABLE.

Stephanie and Courtney

Katie, Jon, Paul, and David

I left Jay to finish the game, so the kids could go to bed. It was a wonderful decision to stay up late watching the Bulldawgs because everyone slept in this morning! :)

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