Friday, May 29, 2020

Love Is An Open Door

Several of our favorite places have started to open back up since the pandemic started, and we could not visit fast enough!

Our first stop was the Atlanta Botanical Gardens last weekend. The weather was beautiful, and it was Jay's first time to walk through the gardens without a specific event like the holiday lights. One of my favorite flowers, the hydrangea, was in full bloom, and everyone was happy to be back to one of our normal spots.

Jacob took a nasty spill early in our day, but he toughed it out and wore his battle wounds proudly. :)

I bribed the kids with popsicles to take a Memorial Day Weekend picture with Rosie when we got home. Whatever works...

Next we hiked up Stone Mountain as a family on Monday. It was overcast which helped a lot with the climb. It was the first time all three kids independently completed a hike without being carried or whining. All three had the best attitudes, and Maggie has even requested returning for her birthday!

We were so proud of Tuttle, Maggie, and Jacob for completing such a big activity, and we are looking forward to more hikes soon!

Our field trips did not stop there. We met up with some of our best friends for a visit to the Atlanta Zoo on Wednesday. It might have rained almost the entire time, but it kept the crowds away completely, and the animals were very active. We literally barely saw anyone while we were there. During the biggest span of rain, we huddled under the roof at the gorgilla exhibit, so the kids could enjoy a snack. We just love Eden and Chip so much! (Yes, the matching clothes was 100% intentional.)

We are trying to return back to normal as quickly and safely as possible. I think we see a light at the end of this quarantine tunnel!

We are also less than THREE WEEKS away from closing on both our current home and our new home. Jay and I cannot wait to start this new adventure. The master bathroom renovation is complete, we are starting to get boxes to pack up, and we visited the new house again today with Gram and Grumps and won their approval.

Because we like to live on the wild side, we are fitting in a vacation next week before crunch time!

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