Friday, May 10, 2024

Easter and Spring Break

 We celebrated Easter at Roswell United Methodist Church this year. I had to restrain myself from venturing back to PRUMC because their Easter services are unmatched, but we had a beautiful morning closer to home.

Gram and Grumps hosted another successful Easter lunch and egg hunt.

The next day we left for SPRING BREAK! We planned our vacation differently this time. For the first time in EIGHT years we did not head down to Orlando for a magical week at Disney. Jay and I changed things up and booked a condo in 30A for our crew + two friends.

The week was full of beach and pool time, golf cart rides, yummy food and drinks, competitive putt putt golf, and memories with friends. While Tuttle had Bryce, and Maggie spent the week with Riley, the Mitchell Family and the McCormack Family were there, too, so Jacob had a crew of boys to be with and we had the parents!

The beach waved double red flags the whole trip, but the kids did not seem to mind very much. The water was still pretty cold!

Jay remained the reigning champion, but Bryce almost dethroned him!

Parents Night Out was so much fun until Maggie called to report her injuries from a bicycle accident in front of our condo. :(

Lucy was included in the trip, too. She did not make it to the beach, but she loved walking around The Big Chill. She always proved to be the most popular member of our family!

Overall the trip was an absolute success and one of my favorite vacations to date! It was relaxing, the kids were pretty self sufficient, we LOVED our condo and its proximity to entertainment, and it was relatively affordable! I know we will be returning!

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