Monday, June 24, 2024

Wrapping Up ALL The Things

 May was full of all the ceremonies, parties, awards, and performances.

We never need an excuse to celebrate Grandaddy, but turning 82 is a good reason if we need one!

Tuttle's 14th birthday party was postponed from April because the boys are all involved in sports, but we squeezed in a low-key party in May with some of his best guys.

Maggie's team opted for a party instead of a state meet gift. Lennox hosted at her beautiful home in Buckhead, and we organized a private hibachi chef for dinner. These girls constantly work so hard and deserve to be recognized for their commitment.

The moms (and dads!) also deserve to be recognized for their driving services to practices and meets as well as their open checkbooks! :)

Maggie's banquet wrapped up the year in Level 7! She is eager to train with a new group/new coaches and more advanced skills.

Field Day is always one of Jacob's favorite days of the year. He even qualified to represent his class in the relay race!

All these May events were not just for the Thorne kids. Holland and Piper stole the show on stage for their dance recitals!

Jacob took home ALL the awards at his "Donut Grow-Up" ceremony. He was recognized for all top marks on his report cards, excelling at math and reading, representing his class on Field Day, and being the "Critical Thinker" for Ms. Wilson's Class.

Well, we made it! Goodbye 3rd, 6th, and 8th grade! Hello, SUMMER!

Please ignore the fact that we have a HIGH SCHOOL student now.....

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