Friday, August 10, 2012

Adjusting to Life as a SAHM

The kids and I survived our first week alone at home. I would actually say it went very well. If you know me, you know I am always on the go. We stayed busy this week despite the difficulty of getting two little kids bathed, dressed, loaded in carseats, and safely to our destinations.

Baby Burrito

During the week, we got Tuttle's haircut, attended storytime at the library, played at the park several times, successfully went shopping at Target, and took long walks in the stroller.

Tuttle enjoyed watching the storm from his makeshift chair.

Our favorite adventure was visiting Daddy at Home Depot for lunch today. I dressed Tuttle and Maggie in their Home Depot aprons although getting Tuttle to wear his was initially a battle. It was worth the struggle because the duo was a HIT at Daddy's work!

I tried to get some decent pictures with Jay's camera phone, but these are not my best work!

We are excited to have more time with Daddy this weekend! :)


  1. Ya'll are the cutest little family! We live in Chattanooga but my family lives in Atlanta and I used to live downtown. I miss it!

    1. Courtney- Thank you so much!! How did you find my blog? I think you are the first person to comment that I don't know. It made my day!! :)

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