Today Margaret Ruth Thorne has been a part of our family for one month.
At 1 Month, Maggie
- is 8 pounds, 9 ounces (28%)
- is 20 3/4 inches long (30%)
- eats 1-3 ounces every 2.5-3 hours during the day
- wakes up 1-2 times a night to eat between 10:30 and 7:00
- sleeps in a small rocking bed in Mommy and Daddy's room
- LOVES to be held, especially by her mommy
- enjoys the swing and will fall asleep in it
- does not have regular nap times, but Mommy is determined to get both kids asleep during Tuttle's naptime :)
- takes a bath in the baby tub each morning while Tuttle eats breakfast
- must be swaddled to get comfortable
- fits right in with her on-the-go Mommy and Big Brother
- will only occasionally take a paci (unlike Tuttle who would take it to college)
- likes to lay on her daddy after she eats
- does not like to ride in her carseat, but she can fall asleep after a small crying fit
- is not a big fan of the playmat (unlike Tuttle who lived on it for the first half of his life)
- will tolerate the stroller for our daily walk and will sometimes fall asleep in it
- is already a SPOILED little girl, and we would not have it any other way!
What a cutie pie!! Happy 1 Month, Maggie Ruth!