Thursday, June 26, 2014

VBS Week

This week Tuttle attended Vacation Bible School at our church for the first time. I was very excited about him trying out something new, but I was also a little nervous that he would not know anyone and might feel a little uncomfortable. I was totally wrong . He confidently walked into that classroom, and we soon discovered that his old Sunday School teacher, Mr. Tim, was the lead teacher for his VBS class. There were also several friends from his current Sunday School class that were there. :)
I think one of the highlights of the week was that Tuttle got to wear his VBS shirt to camp everyday.
Since Gigi was at the beach with her family this week, I had some special time with Maggie while Tuttle was busy at church. While we ran some errands and got routine cleaning done around the house, I loved interacting with my baby alone.

Tuttle and Maggie loved some extra attention from Aunt Peach this week. We met her at Yoforia Tuesday afternoon for a sweet treat, and we planned a last minute movie night slumber party at her place for the following night. Tuttle and Maggie love their Peach!
To wrap up VBS, The Varsity food truck provided lunch today for all the families. Tuttle actually ate a cheeseburger which never happens. It did not surprise me that he downed a frosted orange drink.
Tuttle was very sad that today was the last day. He loved bringing home a craft everyday, learning new songs, and meeting sweet new friends. I bought the CD of music from the week, and it melted my heart watching him dance to the songs with special moves he learned at VBS. Our church has such a strong children's program, and I am thrilled that Maggie and Tuttle are a part of it.
Later today we reunited with Jack and Lily after several weeks without seeing our best buddies. Kirsten hosted a playdate at her house with a blow up pool. Several friends from their preschool class came.
Summer is already flying by, and we are enjoying every minute! :)

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