Monday, April 11, 2016

Jacob Turns Three Months!

Jacob Corbitt Thorne has been a part of our family for three months now.

Jacob still eats about 4 ounces each feeding, sometimes a little less depending on how distracted he may be. He takes about 3-4 short naps in the carseat, crib, or swing. He still goes to bed at 7pm and now only wakes twice a night to eat- the first time around 11 and the second time between 3am-4am. He will return to sleep until 7am or 7:30am. We moved him to his crib several weeks ago, and I think he sleeps better in his own room with the sound machine and darkness. Although he is not a super sleeper like his big brother was as an infant, he is very manageable during the night.

Jacob's favorite activites include looking around on his playmat, riding in the Ergo, and most recently sitting in his Bumbo. I even made dinner tonight while he happily sat on the counter and Tuttle did his homework. This is HUGE because dinnertime used to be a fussy time, and I was like a crazy woman prepping the food, trying to hold an unhappy baby, and playing referee between Tuttle and Maggie. :)

Little Boy just starting wearing 3/6m and some 6m clothing and still wears a Size 1 diaper. He is now really enjoying his daily baths. We cannot really skip a day because his grip is so tight that his little fingers and toes ALWAYS have lint between them. 

I know I will be able to report a new skill next month because he was SO close to rolling over today. I was videotaping his struggle as he tried very hard to get from his back to his stomach. I was sure that I was going to capture this milestone on my iPhone, but we will have to keep trying. :)

Daddy has been able to spend more one-on-one time with Jacob this past month, and I swear that Jacob prefers Jay over me. Maybe, just maybe, one of our children will opt to sit beside Stinky Daddy in a restaurant booth instead of cramming beside me.

We cannot wait to continue to watch Jacob's personality come to life! His smile already lights up the room and steals the hearts of everyone he meets. Happy Three Month, Little Boy!

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