Friday, April 22, 2016

We Have A Six Year Old!

Yesterday Tuttle officially turned SIX years old! 

The entire family took Tuttle to school and celebrated with doughnuts with his class. Tuttle proudly stood on the table while his friends sang "Happy Birthday" to him completely in German. Tuttle was LOVING every minute and was a total ham with his dance moves. :) We made sure to pack his favorite lunch: Publix sub, apple squeezie, and mini Oreos for the birthday boy to enjoy at school, too.

We could not be more proud of the big boy that Tuttle has become. He is smart, considerate of his friends, still willing to snuggle with his mommy, and eager to achieve his goals. This year he has learned to read, earned his orange belt in karate (and is well on his way to his gold belt!), and gotten obsessed with all things Pokemon. He is still our rule follower that helps keep me sane with three kids and loves being the center of attention. We cannot wait to see how he continues to grow and impress us. Happy Birthday to the baby that made us parents!

P.S. His birthday week wrapped up with his surprise for Maggie as Mystery Reader in her class today. He has been counting down for this special day and surprisingly did a great job keeping it a secret. I videoed Tuttle reading to the Kangaroo Class as I cracked up the entire time. It was Tuttle's dream come true to have a classroom of kids that were enthralled with his every word, and he took the opportunity to act as teacher when he quizzed the kids on his books!

We cannot wait to celebrate Holland's birthday this weekend!

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