Saturday, December 18, 2021

Unwelcome Guest

 Tuttle never complains that he does not feel well, so when he texted Jay while I was substitute teaching on Friday to pick him up early from school, we knew that was not good. (Thank goodness for Jay's availability working from home!)

The sickness quickly passed to Jay by Sunday, and both boys were down for the count. Tuttle complained that he could not taste a banana at one point, so I immediately made both COVID tests for Tuesday. 

Maggie was eager to cheer up Tuttle, so she baked him a cake completely on her own. It did not turn out very edible, but it was the sweet thought that counted!

Jacob was able to enjoy Frosty Day at school on Monday before he was feeling badly on Tuesday morning, so he stayed home. I did love the snack I sent in for his themed day to share with his class. :)

Fortunately Jay and Tuttle tested negative for COVID, but all three boys were feeling worse by the day. Jacob also tested negative on Wednesday. We are assuming it was the flu. Our elves tried to avoid the unwanted bug. 

Maggie quarantined away from all the germs, so she was able to continue with all the Christmas celebrations. I loved leaving our home hospital for some festive time with my favorite girl. Her gymnastics team participated in a Secret Santa Swap, I planned a craft for Maggie's 4th grade class, and we finished the week with her class holiday party complete with Santa pancakes and the Saran Wrap ball game!

The real MVP this week was Tuttle who had to study and complete FOUR finals at home in spite of feeling AWFUL. Jay and Jacob were couch bound while Tuttle sat at the breakfast room table with notes and study guides. Not only did he have a great attitude, but our boy ended up with ALL A's this semester, and several grades were dependent on doing well on the finals. To say that we are proud is an understatement.

All the Thorne kids were well enough for a quick visit to Santa on Friday evening. We did not linger long with the big man, but lists are officially submitted.

The most important event to be well enough for was our family gathering at Gram and Grump's house today. The boys were still run down, but everyone had a great time eating and opening the first gifts of Christmas.

Sadly Jay and I had to miss Anne's 40th birthday murder mystery party tonight because some symptoms are still lingering, and Jay does not want to be THAT GUY coughing at a big gathering during a pandemic. We have spent all night talking about how much we wish we were there....

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