Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Apple Picking

First of all, this is my 200th blog post! I cannot believe I have kept this up for so long, but I am extremely glad that I have. It is very easy, and my kids have a detailed "baby book" through the posts describing all our adventures.

Today is going to go down as one of my favorite field trips to date. Kristen and I took Tuttle, Jack, Maggie, and Lily to Reece Farm in Ellijay to pick apples. I have always wanted to try out this classic fall activity, and I am so glad that we made the long drive to North Georgia.

It was truly an authentic experience. We purchased a bag that could hold a peck of apples (I had no idea how many apples that would add to!), and we hiked into the orchard to collect some fruit. I found a ladder for the boys to climb, and we helped pull apples off the trees. Not very many apples make it into our bag because Tuttle and Jack wanted to take a couple bites, throw the apple on the ground, and climb up to find a new one.

I think it is super crowded on the weekend, but we had a little patch of the orchard to ourselves today. The weather felt wonderful with a nice breeze every few minutes, and the scenery with the rows of apple trees and mountains in the background made for a picture perfect day.

The boys enjoyed checking out the petting farm and the tractors, but unfortunately neither are open on weekdays. Although Jack and Tuttle filled up on apples, we had a little picnic among the apple trees, too.

We ended the day by exploring the orchard's bakery and shop. The kids tried apple cider, climbed on top of the pumpkins, and filled our bag with apples to eat later. Kristen and I shared and devoured one of the famous apple pies on the ride home. Yum!

Sadly Maggie missed out on most of the pictures because she was sleeping in her Moby Wrap attached to me, but I tried to get a sibling picture before we left. This was the best shot, so obviously this is something we need to work on! :)

It was the perfect fall day.

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