Monday, October 8, 2012

Third Annual Burt's Pumpkin Farm Trip

This weekend we took the kids to our third annual trip to Burt's Farm in Dawsonville, Georgia. I could not wait to see Maggie in her smocked pumpkin dress and to watch Tuttle's reaction to the mountains of pumpkins! It actually felt like fall with the cool weather, too. Unfortunately I had to wear shorts because my pants do not fit yet. Just give me a couple more months! :)

Here are some of our favorite pictures from this year:

Here is our growing family over the past three years:




Happy Fall, Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing how your family has grown throughout the past three years! And I LOVE the picture of tuttle waving from the pumpkins! He is too cute. Looks like you guys had a blast!!
