Friday, July 12, 2013

Hilton Head Part I

We just got home from our annual trip to Hilton Head Island, and we had a wonderful family vacation. We usually only stay for three or four days, but this year the entire family stayed for a full week. The first half of the week was focused on Grandaddy's company's annual conference. Everyone always looks forward to visiting with the Gresco employees. They really have become like a family to us, and it does not seem like we only see them once a year at the beach!

We left Friday morning and crossed our fingers that Tuttle and Maggie would be comfortable and happy for the 5+ hour drive. Luckily both babies did so well. Tuttle was completely focused on the DVD player, and Maggie napped off and on and enjoyed looking out the window. 

Every year the highlight of the trip is the "Candy Room" that Gresco provides as a hospitality to Georgia EMC managers and their families. It explodes with every candy you can possibly imagine as well as breakfast choices (cereal, fruit, yogurt, bagels, coffee, etc.), lunch options (sandwiches and chips) and other snacks. We spent a lot of time visiting in the Candy Room. Unfortunately I only snapped one picture of Tuttle enjoying lunch.

Between recharging in the Candy Room the family spent time at the beach and pool.

Maggie became a true walker right before our eyes on the beach. :)

She loved the little pools during low tide and continuously stood up, walked as far as she could, and plopped down in the water.

Baby Wedgie

Tuttle did not have as much fun as Maggie at the beach. He was stung by a jellyfish not ONCE, but TWICE! Poor baby! Daddy helped doctor the sting after the lifeguard checked him out.

I cannot tell you how many times I attempted a sibling beach picture. These were some of the most successful.

One of Tuttle's highlights of the entire trip was spending time with these three boys. He has replaced his previous best buddies (Mommy and Coach Reggie, his swim instructor) with Cooper, Dylan, and Ryder. They are the sons of Whitney and Chad. Chad works at Gresco with Grandaddy.

Jay and I quickly realized that taking Maggie to a restaurant was way more trouble than it was worth. I felt like I competed in an Olympic event after our first night eating at the hotel restaurant. She is such a busy body! Sunday night Jay and Tuttle went out with the Gresco group, and Maggie and I stayed back at the hotel. I enjoyed the one-on-one time with my sweet girl on the beach.

My Handsome Boys

I took Maggie on a beach walk that quickly resulted in Maggie diving into the ocean. :)

The Candy Room always offers a tie-dye project for the kids. Tuttle loved creating his shirt with Daddy this year.

The last night of the conference includes a banquet with a specific theme. This year it was an Italian theme. The women and kids are SHOWERED with gifts, and there is a band for entertainment. Tuttle liked the clown that face painted and made balloon animals.

Gresco represented on the dance floor. Tuttle clung to Lisa and could not get enough of her swinging and spinning him around the room.

I thought Maggie looked ADORABLE in her little crab outfit! I ordered it in Febuary or March and saved it for a special occasion. :)

We cannot wait to see our Gresco family again next year!

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