Monday, July 29, 2013

The Good and the Bad

Our first full day at St. Simons could not have been more PERFECT! We started the morning with breakfast at the 4th of May. Tuttle and Maggie devoured some chocolate chip pancakes! We spent the rest of the morning strolling around the square. 

The babies especially enjoyed checking out the fishermen on the pier.

After lunch and naps, we headed for more ice cream and to check out the public pool.

Tuttle and Maggie both had a blast at the pool. We spent most of the time at the children's area with the mini waterpark. Tuttle was completely independent, and Maggie convinced Gram to help her slide a million times!

After the pool, I convinced Tuttle to climb up into one of the big, beautiful trees. When I initially placed him in the branches, he was TERRIFIED. We pulled him down, and I climbed up. Once he saw that I was not scared, he wanted to try it again. He was very brave and loved it the second time. :)

Gram and I picked up matching tshirts for the babies, and I attempted once again to get a sibling picture. Fail.

Gram and I are convinced we used up our good luck with our perfect day Monday because today everything seemed to mess up.

We decided to rent bikes this morning, and I suggested we ride to The Bailey Boys outlet store which I thought was about a mile away.

Despite getting a lot of exercise, we never found the store. Our round trip adventure was about 5-6 miles pulling two babies behind us. I literally almost dropped from pure exhaustion. 

We went back to the beach house for showers and lunch and decided to drive to the store. We found some really cute stuff for Maggie! Next I thought we could skip naps and drive to Jekyll Island to explore the Georgia Sea Turtle Center. Several of my mom's friends had insisted we check it out for Tuttle.

We arrived ten minutes before it closed for the day. Apparently they close at 2pm on Mondays. Bummer! Tuttle cried all the way back to the beach house.

We tried to turn the day around with more ice cream. Doesn't ice cream fix anything? :)

Maggie and Tuttle enjoyed the playground overlooking the ocean, too.

On a side note, Maggie has finally found her appetite. It only found a full year! She is eating like crazy and will try anything we put in front of her. :)

Even though the day had some downs, we are stilling having such a great time at the beach with Gram. Happy Vacation!

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