Thursday, September 22, 2011

School Update

Tuttle has officially been in school for three weeks and is adjusting great to his new schedule! He still cries when I drop him off, but he stops soon after I leave the room. (I can easily pick out his crying from my room next door.) While I cannot peek in very often for fear of him spotting me, I do peer through the crack in his door sometimes. :)

Tuttle sporting his new tennis shoes from Gram before school

He looks like such a big boy when I do catch a glimpse of him! He is either walking down the hall with his class, sitting at the table eating snack, or playing with toys in the classroom. He seems so independent.

Cheese!! Eating breakfast on our way to school

Tuttle is still struggling with only one nap a day, so the teachers and I agreed to let him carry his special blanket around the classroom. It calms him down, and he has been taking a power nap on the floor pretty regularly! I cannot believe he can fall asleep with all the noise around him, but I guess he is just exhausted from all the fun! He wakes up after about 10-15 minutes and can happily last the rest of the school day. :)

I think Tuttle's favorite part of the week is his gardening class. The teachers tell me that he really likes getting his hands dirty in the garden. I think he loves the playground, as well. I saw him outside today, and he was climbing up the playset stairs and going down the slide HEAD FIRST! What a boy!!

Tuttle is also doing well napping after school. He is averaging about 2.5-3 hours! He has to eat lunch in my classroom right after I pick him up because we will not make it home before he is fast asleep.
I think Tuttle's school is such a great addition to his schedule. I cannot wait to see what he will learn this year!!

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