Sunday, May 6, 2012

Big Boy Decision #1

We have been debating which "Big Boy Change" to make first. Should we take away the paci completely, potty train, or introduce a big boy bed? Should any of these changes be done before the biggest change of all: getting a baby sister! I was not planning to make any life altering decisions before Maggie Ruth's arrival, but I guess plans change. 

I was having a lot of trouble putting Tuttle into his crib with this big 'ole belly in the way. Since Jay gets home late from work most nights and I always put Tuttle down for naps during the day, we made the sporadic decision TONIGHT to turn his crib into the toddler daybed.



Tuttle was excited to try it out right away. He climbed in, asked for his blanket, and pointed for Daddy to turn the light off. Silly boy!!

After a few minutes of pretend sleeping, I went through our normal bedtime routine: brush teeth, get sippy cup of water, read stories, turn on music/sound machine, and say our prayer. He never attempted to escape, and here he is 30 minutes later. So far, so good.

Let's see how the rest of the night goes! :)

** We had a GREAT weekend in Madison celebrating Jay's dad's 70th birthday. I will put up a longer post tomorrow. This tired 7 months prego momma needs to hit the hay!

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