Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Who Is That Baby?

This morning I let Tuttle look through some old photos while I attempted to get dressed. Most of the pictures were of Tuttle as a baby. I asked Tuttle who that baby was, and he responded with Maggie or Baby Charles (Val and Paul's son). I almost had to agree that I did not know who that baby was either. My little boy is not so little anymore. :(

Tuttle now proudly walks into his preschool classroom without looking back. I have to follow him in to get a goodbye kiss.

He lounges on the couch every morning to watch his two television shows (currently Spiderman) and looks like a miniture teenager sprawled halfway across the couch.

He frequently announces, "I'll be back...minute," when he leaves the room to get a toy.

He is starting to form complete sentences, but he is always able to communicate what he wants. He does not get frustrated if I cannot make out a word. He actually thinks it is pretty funny when I do not understand!

He likes to choose between snuggles, tickles, kisses, or hugs. I prefer snuggles. He may be the best snuggler ever! :)

He will affectionately look at his sister and tell her that she is cute. He does not have a mean bone in his body when it comes to how much he loves Maggie. (I may have a different opinion when she is able to touch his stuff!)

He LOVES his grandaddy more than anyone in the world. He thinks Grandaddy is always eating popcorn because that is his favorite activity to do with him. Yesterday he told me his Noah Little People toy had Grandaddy's haircut (bald on top, a little hair on the side).

He is very independent at the park. He climbs the tallest ladder to slide the biggest slide. He climbs onto big boy scooters and moves around the track. He does not hesitate to join a group of bigger kids when they run by him.

His imagination grows daily. One minute he is crawling out of a playground tunnel pretending to be a bear and then he is building a tower of blocks to turn it into a rocket.

He will sit for book after book for as long as you are willing to read. While he always has favorites, he sometimes allows me to choose the story, especially if I tell him reading time is over, and it is time for bed!

He can recognize his friend's houses as we drive up, and he ALWAYS points out Ellie's house when we run errands.

Tuttle has officially stolen my heart. I love my little boy so much, but I would prefer if time would slow down just a little bit.

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