Sunday, November 3, 2013

Poor Little Boy + Maggie's 15 Month Checkup

To continue my Halloween post we ended up in the ER Halloween night when Tuttle's fever topped out at 104.8 degrees. Although he was not acting miserable, Tuttle handles sickness well, and we did not want to take any chances. He has not been sick in over a year, but he used to get very high fevers when he was an infant after immunizations.

He was so sweet and listened so well to all the nurses and doctors. He was not scared at all which surprised me a little bit because so many people were asking him questions and examining him. Tuttle even received his first x-ray to rule out pneumonia or other infections that could restrict lung use.

After receiving a dose of Advil, he perked up. While we were waiting for x-ray results, a nurse brought him a Buzz Lightyear costume that was donated to the children's hospital. Tuttle was so excited that he wanted to immediately put it on even though it was 11pm at night. We could not stop cracking up at him because the costume was a 2T. Tuttle currently wears 4T, so needless to say it was a little small.

We left the hospital more at ease with Tuttle's high fever and cough. He was diagnosed with a upper respiratory infection. Advil/Ibuprofen and rest was what the doctor ordered. Tuttle left the hospital with a balloon, a sticker, a new costume, and a smile. :)

Friday we loaded up for an early doctor's appointment for Maggie. She had her 15 month checkup, and it was pretty standard. She did receive three shots which is always hard for Mommy to take, but she is growing perfectly.

Maggie's Current Stats
Weight- 18 pounds, 11 ounces (15%)
Height- 30 inches (28%)
Head Circumference- 46 centimeters (58%)

We tried to spend the rest of the weekend being completely lazy and letting Tuttle recover. Except for a quick visit to my mom's house where she hosted a big reunion for my grandmother's family, we lounged in our pajamas. Tuttle loved watching movie after movie.

Jay was able to enjoy a pig pickin' with his buddies Saturday night. I am very happy he was able to relax after all the long hours and stress at work. 

 I think Tuttle may be back to normal tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

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