Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random Catch-Up

Another week has almost flown by, and we have packed in a lot of activities. 

Monday afternoon the kids and I went to the park to try to fit in as much time outside as possible before it gets too cold. Gigi and Tuttle have really gotten the hang of riding their bikes and spent most of the time zooming around playground on the track.

Tuesday I made another appointment for Tuttle to try the dentist. The first time was this summer, and it was a big failure. I took him to my dentist because I thought if he saw me get my teeth cleaned first that he would not be scared. I was wrong; he would not get near the chair. This time I made an appointment at a pediatric dentist. I do not know if it was because he was older or the atmosphere, but he was completely open to the dentist checking out his pearly whites. :)

Wednesday I experienced a big "Mommy Fail." I promised the kids that we could go swimming at the indoor YMCA pool after naps. Since the kids went down for naps closer to 2pm, I had to wake Tuttle and Gigi, so we would have enough time to swim before dinner. Tuttle woke up in a very grumpy mood. I dressed three kids in swimsuits, packed a bag with towels and swimmies, drove to the local YMCA, unloaded three kids from the car, showered three kids in the locker room to enter the pool, and walked into the pool area. I was immediately told there is no free swim from 4:00-6:30 due to swim lessons!!! Try to explain that to two three year olds that are dripping wet from taking showers in the locker room. Fortunately the promise of watching a Rudolph movie distracted them enough to load everyone back in the car and drive home.

Tuttle had been out of sorts for a few days and complaining that his ear hurt, so after Gigi left, I took Tuttle and Maggie to the urgent care center near our house. He did have an ear infection, so we headed to the pharmacy next and got home about 8:45.

Today we met up with most of the students from Tuttle's class to ride the Pink Pig at Lenox Mall. I have taken Tuttle every year, so it is definitely a tradition. I had fun dressing Tuttle, Maggie, and Gigi in pink to match Priscilla the Pig. :) We rode twice and then stopped by Santa to give him a hug. This was not our official Santa visit, so the kids only chatted for a second and didn't sit in the his lap. Tuttle has always loved Santa, but judging from Maggie's reaction, we may get a classic crying baby picture with Santa this year. Haha

Tomorrow I am looking forward to taking pictures of Ellie for their family Christmas card after a trip to the dentist for me. This is my first time taking pictures for someone else, but I am excited to try it. :)

Enjoy your weekend and stay warm! :)

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