Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

We returned from a week long beach vacation with Gram yesterday and had such an unforgettable time. I have a zillion pictures to share, but I need another day to recover before I dive into that blog post. :)

We enjoyed a very relaxing Father's Day together at Grandmommy and Grandaddy's house. Jay and I got the kids up early and headed to Madison for the day. Aunt Peach, Uncle Drew, and Holland were there to celebrate, too. It was Holland's first big trip, and Tuttle and Maggie could not get enough of her!

After giving Smelly a bath, Daddy pulled out the go-cart and zipped Tuttle and Maggie around the yard. Maggie insisted that Jay go as fast as possible! It always scares me to death to watch Jay fly around the turns, but the smiles on all three of their faces makes me hold my tongue. :)

Maggie and Daddy concluded the backyard fun with a dip in the baby pool. Maggie loved having a naked tea party. (Jay kept his clothes on!)

The rest of the afternoon included a long nap for Mommy, tons of playtime for Maggie and Tuttle, and family time catching up in the living room. The grand finale was a complete southern dinner prepared by Grandmommy- fried chicken, steak, butter beans, potato salad, squash casserole, and rolls. Dessert included homemade key lime pie and rice krispy treats! Yum!

We were thrilled to celebrate Daddy, Grandaddy, Grumps, and Uncle Drew. You make our lives so much richer and are such strong examples of caring, generous, and smart men. We love you!

Happy Father's Day!

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