Friday, August 12, 2016

Jacob Turns Seven Months!

Jacob Corbitt Thorne has been a part of our family for seven months now.

Jacob still eats 6 ounce bottles every three hours and has really taken to food in the past month. He will eat soft table food or baby food mixed with rice cereal. Little Boy eats 2-3 meals each day with snacks while we are on the run with Tuttle and Maggie's activities. His favorite foods include Greek yogurt, squash, sweet potatoes, blueberries, bananas, and eggs. 

Jacob takes 2-3 naps each day. He loves his bed, but he will sleep in the carseat while driving or in the Ergo if we are outside at the park. He goes to sleep between 6:30 and 7:30 depending on how long he napped and wakes once to eat during the night. He has been waking up at 6:45 this week since Tuttle started school, and our day begins earlier. He is ready for his first nap around 8:30. Typically we are at home for his morning nap, so he sleeps around 1.5-2 hours. The remaining naps are hit or miss whether he gets to snuggle in his crib. 

Little Boy is still army crawling all over the house and can now sit up independently. He is the most happy when he is playing near Tuttle and Maggie. When he is sitting up, he likes to have a basket of toys in front of him to pull out and chew on. If he can grab something and put it in his mouth, he will. He is by far my mouthiest baby. I warn others not to put their hair too close to Jacob's grasp! :)

We have been walking a lot more recently, especially to take Tuttle to school and pick him up. We alternate between the stroller and the Radio Flyer wagon. After starting off hating the stroller, I am so happy that Jacob enjoys going on walks now. 

Jacob wears 9m clothing and 12m pajamas. He still fits in a Size 4 diaper. I have bought mostly 12m clothing for fall and winter, so I am going to need him to slow down with the growing a little bit!

Our last baby is all of a sudden a real little person. He is always smiling and continues to be so easy. Our entire family loves this little boy!

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