Monday, December 12, 2016

Jacob Turns Eleven Months!

Jacob Corbitt Thorne has been a part of our family for eleven months now.

This was another month of impossible photos. I found that if I placed him on this chair, he would hesitate for just a few seconds before taking a dive off where I caught him before plummeting to the hardwood! :)

Just recently Jacob has switched from formula to whole milk. I changed it a little earlier than recommended, but he is such a solid boy that I am sure he will continue to grow just as quickly. I mixed about three bottles with half formula and half whole milk before switching completely to milk. He had no problem transitioning, and my wallet is thanking me for the reduction in cost each week!

Jacob typically eats yogurt and cereal for breakfast. He is not ready to eat right when he wakes up, so I will get Maggie ready for school and feed him when we return from drop-off. Lunch rotates between squeezies, peanut butter sandwiches, pasta, hotdogs (his absolute favorite!), cheese, apples, bananas, grapes, green beans, broccoli, and pretzels. I try my best to feed him the same dinner as the rest of the family, but our schedules sometimes force Little Boy to eat earlier and on the go. He has started to really enjoy eating snacks like veggie sticks or pretzels, and I am thrilled that it keeps him still and quiet for a few minutes.

While Jacob does not stop while he is awake, he continues to be a great sleeper. He sleeps 12-14 hours at night (sometimes waking around 6am, but a bottle buys us another 1-2 hours of sleep!) and takes a long 2 hour nap in the morning. If he is able, he will take a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon in his crib. He will not sleep in the stroller if we are attending afternoon activities. Gram let Jacob have his birthday present early: a convertible carseat, so no more naps in the infant carrier. It was getting too heavy to haul around anyways. :)

Our third baby continues to get into anything and everything he can. No space is safe from destruction. I left Maggie and Jacob in the bathroom this morning to run to Maggie's room for a hairbow. I could not have been gone more than 90 seconds. I returned to complete chaos! LOL

Aunt Peach let us borrow a walker, so Jacob has been walking around the house a little. He has not figured out how to turn it yet, so he will walk as far as he can before it hits something like a wall or couch and then just drop to his knees and crawl away. We are all ready for this boy to start walking!

Jacob may pull Maggie's hair any chance his gets and destroy Tuttle's building creations, but they tolerate his antics and love him fiercely. I thought I had this motherhood thing down, but Jacob challenges me everyday and teaches me that every child is completely different. I know his energy and wild boy ways will continue to entertain us as he grows older. There is a lot of personality in such a little boy. We love you, Jacob Corbitt Thorne!

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