Sunday, May 7, 2017

Soccer, Science, and Shenanigans

We wrapped up our spring soccer season with a double header on Saturday morning. Our boys all played impressively, and we finished with two wins! This season has really been a game changer for Tuttle and his buddies. The game seemed to click, and everyone was eager to pass, stay in position, and actually play as a team instead of just chasing the ball in a huddle all over the field. A HUGE reason for our successful season was Coach Karen. She is such a firecracker and demanded a lot out of the team. Her personality and vocal approach to coaching kept me in stitches on the sidelines!

Coach Karen has volunteered to host a Friday afternoon soccer clinic through the summer. Even though the team cannot all stay together next season (several of the boys age out), I am looking forward to Tuttle improving his game with the best team ever!

The rest of our Saturday was spent working on Tuttle's German science project. First grade has been no joke this year, but Tuttle has continued to rise to the occasion and make high grades in all his classes. This final project was a big commitment, and Tuttle worked three hours straight to complete his poster. He was required to pick an animal and research interesting facts about it with German articles. 

He assembled a Lego animal habitat last week for the creative portion of the project. I knew if he worked with Legos that my Type A personality would not try to take over. He is a Lego Master! :)

I thought it would take a lot of redirection to keep Tuttle on task for so long, but he was so proud of his poster that he stayed focused the entire time. I cannot believe a seven year old boy produced such an amazing project. He will present to his class this week in German.

Finally I wanted to document some of Jacob's shenanigans this week. This third child seems to want to continue to top his latest mischief with another crazy decision only days later. Nothing surprise me anymore.

1. I was hanging laundry in Tuttle and Maggie's room one afternoon. Jacob might have been out of my sight for 10 minutes while I assumed he was making a mess in the playroom. I returned to the kitchen to find him INSIDE THE OVEN. He had pulled the door down and was completely parallel to the floor with his body laying across the door and his head in the oven. If he had not been wearing my favorite spring outfit, I would have taken a picture!

2. Recently Maggie has been forgetting to flush the toilet. A few days after the oven incident, I was unloading the dishes when Jacob walked into the kitchen and dropped a handful of Maggie's poop right at my feet. 

3. Finally Maggie and Jacob were taking a bath while I was cleaning up after dinner. Maggie started to yell that Jacob was standing up. Without looking, I told her that he was fine to stand in the tub. I have learned to fight my battles with him. She insisted that I come look at him standing, and I entered the bathroom to find my 15 month old baby like this:

I stopped giving parenting advice after I had Jacob. I now understand the parents that have wild and unruly children. :)

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