Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Easter 2019!

We celebrated Easter all weekend with festive activities everyday!

After a crazy amount of rain on Friday night, the church egg hunt was moved to the church student center. Since it was also cold, the inside plan was much appreciated. We enjoyed exploring the new Harp Center, and Jay and I commented several times that we would want to hang out there as much as possible as teenagers.

After checking out the petting area and the jumpy slides, Jacob's egg hunt was up first. He was placed in the 3-5 age group this year, but this did not hinder him from filling up his basket as his siblings and friends cheered him on.

Tuttle decided to join one more year in the 6-8 age group since his birthday was not until Easter day. The oldest group participates in a scavenger hunt, so I was fine with watching his last year in the traditional egg hunt. Tuttle, Maggie, and a sweet friend Mary Julia claimed a corner of the upstairs and loaded their baskets to the brims. I love that the church plans for a million eggs, so the hunt lasts more than ten seconds.

Jay suggested that we go to the mall after the morning fun for lunch at the food court and shoe shopping. We both grew up going to the mall, and we forget how foreign the place is for our kids with internet shopping so much easier. The simple act of grabbing lunch and walking in a few stores is such an adventure for them!

We had special guests over for dinner on Saturday evening. Anne and Matt recently were engaged and had not seen our new renovations, so it was the perfect time to treat them. I made "The Pasta" as well as strawberry shortcake. We also decided to use our wedding fine china for the first time ever which was fun!

The kids were spoiled with extra help with dying their Easter eggs before setting out their baskets and a carrot snack for the bunny to hop by. 

Easter morning started SUPER early with a wake-up call from Maggie at 6:30am to examine the Easter Bunny loot. This also gave us plenty of time to get dressed for church and arrive early for a few photos.

Doesn't the black eye just make Jacob's outfit?

Jacob insisted on coming to big church instead of the nursery and actually did pretty good. He did play under the pew with his soldiers, but he was fairly quiet and even interested in the singing. Jay took him out after the sermon to stretch his legs, but it was not a total failure as I had anticipated. 

I made reservations for brunch at Haven after church. It was a nice way to celebrate Easter with our little family.

Tuttle had such a great attitude sharing his birthday with Easter this year. I cannot believe I have a NINE year old. We just touched on his special day with a small gift and a bacon cheeseburger dinner. I am choosing not to accept his birthday until next weekend when we celebrate with a party. If I do not make a big deal of it, it did not really happen, right? He is growing up WAY too fast.

Happy 9th Birthday, Tuttle! :)

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