Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 Everyone can agree that May is busier than December with all the end of year parties, championships, performances, awards ceremonies, and school activities. Here is a quick recap of all the action...

Jacob's U7 baseball team claimed the championship title. They had played strong all season, and Jacob learned so much from Coach Matt and Coach Chris. I could not believe how well the boys executed plays by the last game. The Dodgers were unstoppable!

Maggie and her teammates were celebrated at the spring banquet. It was absolutely Maggie's best season to date. The gym recognized Maggie's 3rd place on beam and floor at state, placing 1st as a team at state, and qualifying for Regionals. She will increase to 20 hours a week in June as a Level 7 gymnast. She is ready and already setting goals for next year!

Tuttle participated in the Spring Jamboree at Woodstock High School to scrimmage the surrounding 8th grade football teams. His playing time was limited, but he is really enjoying the experience. The Knights looked strong and won 2/3 of the scrimmages.

All three Thorne kids performed at the annual spring piano recital with Ms. Becky. We have not committed as much time as we would like to practicing recently (there are only so many hours in the day!), but the kids did well with rock-n-roll themed selections at the concert.

Maggie's final 5th grade field trip was one to remember. The classes went on a tour of Truist Park, enjoyed lunch at The Hard Rock Cafe, and visited the Georgia Aquarium. I have learned that field trips are not my thing, so I loved receiving photos throughout the day from friends with more patience to chaperone. :)

Jacob's favorite day at school was Field Day. He joined with his buddies to compete as a dream team and dominate all the events. 

Jacob also was recognized at his Cel-YOU-brate Day at school. He read two of his favorite books to his class, shared a STEM project that Jay and he had put together for Show-n-Tell, and presented a video of his piano playing talent. Jacob does not shy away from showcasing his strengths!

Maggie participated in her last elementary school field day. Afterwards the classes enjoyed a picnic and ice cream to celebrate graduating from 5th grade. I love the sweet group of girls that Maggie has befriended this year. In some ways, 5th grade has been challenging socially, and these friends have remained reliable and accepting throughout the tough times.

The boys were able to catch a Braves vs. Dodgers game during all the May chaos. It was a house divided, and Tuttle claimed victory for his team. Thank you to Uncle Drew for a fun night out!

Maggie and I loved watching Piper at her ballet performance. She was the prettiest dancer on stage!

This has been an unforgettable year for Jacob in first grade with Ms. McGowan. She is truly a teacher that you remember forever. Today was Jacob's award ceremony, and he received the "Handwriting Hero Award" for his beautiful handwriting, "Science Award" for teaching his class about germs, and "Future President Award" for being a leader and arguing his points. I am not ready for Jacob to leave Ms. McGowan's class. We both love her so much!

The kids only have two more days of school until SUMMER! The final days of Maggie's elementary school deserves a separate post before she heads to the middle school with Tuttle!

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