Saturday, June 11, 2016

Jacob Turns Five Months!

Jacob Corbitt Thorne has been a part of our family for five months now.

Jacob eats six ounces every 2.5-3 hours. We introduced baby food, but while he seemed somewhat interested initially (specifically with sweet potatoes and green beans), he quickly became upset each day when I tried to feed him. Since we are heading on vacation for the next two weeks, I made the decision to stop pushing it until we get back home and into a normal routine again. Jacob take 2-3 naps during the day: a morning nap for about an hour, an afternoon nap for 1-2 hours, and a short nap before the bedtime routine if his afternoon nap was early. He definitely sleeps better in his crib at home and only sleeps in his carseat while the car is in route. Once we arrive at any location, he wakes up because he does not want to miss any action! Jacob still sleeps from 7pm-7:30 or 8:00 am with 1-2 feedings during the night. Since he allows me to snooze so late in the morning and we are enjoying our carefree summer days, I do not mind getting up for a quick feeding during the night. :)

Jacob loves playing in his Exersaucer, rolling onto his tummy, smiling and laughing at Tuttle and Maggie, and grabbing toys when held in front of him (His favorites include a green ball and a red dog with wheels). He prefers to be sitting up and absolutely loves when you hold him in a standing position. He typically has a hand in his mouth and will immediately put anything else in his mouth that he can if he can reach it. Half of the photos with his monthly sign included trying to eat the sign or the red fox! He still always has a huge grin on his face and now laughs especially when Mommy kisses his neck!

Little Boy wears 6m and some 9m clothes (especially in pajamas) and now uses Size 3 diapers. He takes a bath each night and really enjoys the warm water. He was not a fan of the cool water at the pool when we dipped his tiny toes in!

He still loves riding in the Ergo and has started tolerating the stroller which will be super helpful when we head to Disney in a week! Woo hoo! Although he still fusses when I put him in his carseat, I think he may also learn to tolerate that because he is going on his first road trip tomorrow to St. Simons Island with Gram!

We are looking forward to rolling from his tummy to his back, sitting up unassisted, and cutting his first tooth. I think all of these milestones are quickly approaching! We love our sweet boy and continue to learn more about him everyday!

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