Sunday, January 5, 2020

What Day Is It?

We are finally returning to a normal schedule tomorrow after endless days of vacation. We are ready to have a reason to get dressed before noon if at all. :)

The days following Christmas are a huge blur of toys, organizing and packing decorations, lazing around the house, and eating out. While everyone has been confused with what day, month, or year we are in, here are some highlights from Christmas vacation.

We celebrated Daddy's birthday and his last year in his 30's with a trip to the Piedmont Park dog park and lunch at Lee's Bakery. I am so lucky that Jay Thorne was born 39 years ago and that I get to call him mine!

Ms. Jenna came over for a traditional New Year's meal and to exchange gifts. Maggie was elated to receive a Mal costume. I love that she still enjoys dressing up.

One of our favorite memories was Rosie being reunited with her sister and littermate, Mavis. Mavis's owner had recognized Rosie at the school's fall fair in October, and we have been trying to plan a playdate for a while. Our schedules finally lined up, and the girls had the best time running and playing nonstop for an hour! What a small world that both girls ended up in the same neighborhood!

We put Jacob's membership to the Georgia Aquarium to good use while Daddy was home. It ended up being such a great day to visit despite the crowd because the weather was so crummy. Thank you to Grandmommy and Grandaddy for this amazing gift for Christmas. We included lunch at The Varsity afterward complete with frosted oranges.

Jacob was less than cooperative for a picture at the aquarium.....

Saturday we left Daddy at home to work on our bathroom renovation and met up with our sweet friends at the zoo. It started off a little rainy but quickly turned into a beautiful day. Ms. Stacie, Eden, and Chip are some of our most treasured friends, and we cannot wait to visit again as soon as possible!

I am trying to clean the house and prepare for Jacob's FOURTH birthday party next weekend. His face is a clear representation of my feelings. How can my baby be so big?

Tuttle's photo represents my mood tomorrow after I send Jay off to work and the babies off the school. 

Do not disturb. :)

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