Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Warm Sunshine, Happy Family

We are finally starting to see a glimpse of spring in Atlanta, and we are taking every advantage to be outside. This past weekend the high hit near 70 degrees. We filled the weekend with several wagon rides, a big yard cleanup by Daddy, and hanging out with good friends. I am crossing my fingers that the warm weather sticks around because March can be so fickle!

Tuttle is officially at the stage where he does not want to take a picture. Jay and I both tried to convince him to smile normally, but obviously we were unsuccessful. We could not stop cracking up at his faces despite our attempt to be serious and ask for a nice picture. Hahaha 
We had not seen Lawson (Jonathan and Stephanie's baby) since he was a newborn, so we LOVED spending a few hours with this sweet boy Sunday evening. He was so happy and smiley the whole time!
Today we headed to the park and had a blast. The kids spent most of the time on the swings, but we also slid down the HUGE slide all at once several times and crossed over the creek on the big rocks. Everyone just seems so much happier when we can get outside.

After naps we will continue to enjoy the sunshine at soccer practice. :)

On a side note, I have recently been getting sad because Tuttle is really turning into a big boy. This morning I told him that I did not want him to get bigger and move away to his own house. He responded, "It's okay. I will work at Cracker Barrel. " :)

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