Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween and Bert's Pumpkin Patch

Halloween was a very successful event this past Friday. Tuttle and Maggie were beyond ready to dress up as a Star Wars Clone Trooper and Glinda the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz. We started trick-or-treating on our street. Maggie was interested in collecting candy for about five houses until she was too tired of walking and wanted to ride in the wagon. Tuttle was completely independent and asked to go up to each house by himself while we waited in the driveway.

 Originally Jay and I had decided we would not make the trek to Redding Road (a major road in our neighborhood that is closed to traffic on Halloween night) because Maggie was a little overwhelmed by the holiday, but since she was pretty much over getting out of the wagon, we wanted for Tuttle to see his friends and experience all the fun Halloween decorations. 

We stopped by Ellie's house on our way to Redding Road.

It quickly got dark, and we had the best time bumping into so many sweet friends.

One of the highlights of Halloween this year was the petting zoo set up in the front yard of one of the homes on Redding Road. The home belongs to one of the major real estate agents in the neighborhood. He is one SMART man to bring so many people to his house. :)

Our night pretty much ended at the petting zoo. It started to rain, and Maggie and Tuttle had collected enough candy to feed a village! We walked home, changed into comfy jammies, and counted and organized all the loot. :)

Saturday morning we did not waste any time. We decided that our annual trip to Bert's Pumpkin Patch would be the day after Halloween to avoid the crowds. We successfully avoided the masses, but we traded that obstacle for SNOW. Yes, you read that right. It was snowing when we arrived at the pumpkin patch!

I would not be honest with the blog if I did not post a picture of how Tuttle and Maggie truly felt at Bert's Farm this year. :)

Daddy helped pull some smiles out of our babies by falling on the ground behind the camera. Pumpkin patch pictures are one of the highlights of my year, so this trip was a MUST.

If you have ever visited Bert's Farm, this picture will shock you. When I say the patch was practically empty, I was not joking. Usually you would barely see the ground with all the families trying to snap pictures.

We literally only made it about 20-30 minutes outside until we could not take the wind or cold anymore!

Someone found a nice warm spot under Mommy's sweater. I was soaking up the extra snuggles!

 Luckily we found another family to take our annual family picture. I love my sweet and COLD family. :)

 Even though this year was a struggle due to the weather, we are going to try going to Bert's Farm the day after Halloween in the future. We honestly would trade the cold for the crowds any day!

Happy Halloween and Fall, Y'all!

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