Monday, July 20, 2015

2015 Summer Olympics

Saturday Jay and I hosted a Summer Olympics party at our house. Each couple represented a country of their choice, and I organized eight events to compete in for medals. The USA, Mexico, Ireland, China, Dijbouti, and the Netherlands were there to proudly represent their people. :)

Our friends are all very competitive, so it was fun to see which team won the gold, silver, and bronze medals each round. Since I am pregnant, my cousin Anne was Jay's partner to represent the USA. :)

One of the most popular (and funniest) events was the Wrecking Ball. One member of each team has to wear pantyhose on his/her head and use the baseball in the bottom to knock over ten water bottles. It was MUCH harder than it looked!

The three-legged race and the frozen trophy race happened so quickly that pictures were impossible!

The balancing dice event was also a crowd pleaser. Each team representative had to balance five dice on the end of a popsicle stick placed in their mouths. The team with the longest time without dropping the dice was the winner. Aside from it being difficult on its own, the crowd did not hesitate to dance around the competitors and crack jokes which made it nearly impossible. Mexico won by a LANDSLIDE with 5 minutes 30 seconds followed by the Netherlands with 1 minutes 31 seconds and the USA with 1 minute 30 seconds. 

You cannot have an Olympics with a tug-of-war competition. Luckily one of our friends is an elementary school P.E. teacher, so we had an official tug-of-war rope available!

The Netherlands took home in gold in that event.

I think everyone had a blast at the Summer Olympics! We have such a fun group of friends!

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