Thursday, September 3, 2015

Coach Daddy

Tuttle's sixth season of soccer started yesterday, and we are thrilled to introduce the new coach: Coach Daddy! Jay agreed to take on this fun role (or as his email to parents explained, he is the "rookie father volun-told by his wife" to coach). Tuttle was very proud to tell his teammates that his Daddy was in charge. :)

Jay did such a fantastic job keeping the boys active and engaged. He had planned a warm-up and a variety of drills. The kids were definitely worn out and VERY sweaty by the end of practice!

Maggie was itching to be running around with the team. She kept insisting that she could do what they were doing. Unfortunately she had to be happy with playing on the sidelines. She got her workout, though. She is currently still asleep in bed at 8am after sleeping through breakfast and carpool for Tuttle!

I am so happy that Jay and Tuttle will have this fun activity to do together this fall. Physical fitness is so important to our family, especially Daddy, so it's a perfect way to spend our Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Go, Team Columbia!

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