Monday, November 9, 2020

Life with an ER Trip

 The much anticipated election finally happened, and while there is still a lot of drama surrounding the results, we are choosing to stay positive.

We are absolutely loving the suburban fall leaves. The temperature may not be cooperating with high 70s during the day, but the views we get from our back porch and driving to school are making up for it! Jacob used some leaves for a preschool project to disguise his turkey from being eaten on Thanksgiving by turning him into a fall tree.

Aunt Peach and I are hoping to develop a new playdate on Fridays. We met up at a local park with Holland and Piper, and the cousins ran and played for hours. We love living closer to the Peace Family.

Our big event of the weekend was on Sunday afternoon when Maggie accidentily slammed her finger in the back door. It resulted in a lot of blood and tears. Just to be safe we took her to Urgent Care to get evaluated, and the doctor sent us to the ER since it was so severe. After over five hours at the hospital, Maggie was a real trooper and had her nail completely removed, the lacerated nail bed stitched, and then her nail reattached to help with future growth of a new and healthy nail. She left with a huge splint and a lot of bragging rights. I am so glad that Jay pushed to take her in.

We have been so lucky this school year with no exposure to COVID and no quarantines from class. I am hoping this continues, but I am slightly nervous as we enter flu and cold season. All the prayers are welcome!

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