Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Eighteen Months, Maggie Ruth!

Margaret Ruth Thorne has been a part of our family for eighteen months now.
At eighteen months, Maggie

 * wears 18m clothing and size 3 diapers.
* is completely OFF the bottle now.  This is a recent change because she was taking a sippy cup and a bottle to bed and spilling so much that I had to change her sheets multiple times a week. One day I just stopped giving her the bottle, and she has done wonderful so far!
* prefers water to anything else, like her Daddy. She refers to it as "juice." She will drink milk but only at naptime and bedtime.
* still clings onto the name "Moo Moo" from the original nickname of Maggie Moo Bear. I find myself call her "Moo Moo" more often than Maggie, even in public! Daddy likes to call her "Boo Boo."
* has started to potty train herself. CRAZY! She has gone poop on the potty about 8 times. She will point to her bottom and say "tee tee" if she goes poop in her diaper. She enjoys sitting on the potty with a book. She will also bring me/Daddy a diaper when she needs one.
* is talking more and more everyday. She especially loves to point out babies. Some words/phrases she uses regularly include: done-done, tee-tee, baby, Gigi, ma-ma, daddy, yes, I walk, thank (for Thank You), ball, book, yuck, and cat. She will repeat everything I say, too.
* is officially SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! Hallelujah! She goes to sleep between 7:30pm and 8:00pm and wakes up around 8:00am!
* takes a nap from about 2:00pm-3:30 or 4:00pm. She is not the three hour napper that her big brother was, but I will take what I can get!
* loves taking care of her babies. She will feed them, walk them in her pink stroller, and even put them on the potty. I am obsessed with her obsession with babies! It is so cute! She is becoming interested in princesses, too. She will play with her Little People princesses while Tuttle plays with his superheroes.
* takes every opportunity she can to sneak into Tuttle's room and play/disassemble his Legos.
* runs directly to Daddy's Chair the moment Jay wakes in the door after work.
* still prefers to be held a lot, especially when we are out on adventures (the zoo, Fernbank, birthday parties). She is lucky she is so small and light!
* will actually sit still to watch Elmo or Barney for ten minutes or so. Nothing else really captures her attention. I typically let her watch when I need to comb her hair.
* still takes her shower in the morning for several reasons. She will not sit in the tub, and I need to tame her crazy hair after sleeping.
* is a gymnastics superstar. She can walk the beam unassisted and support herself on the bars.
* loves to snuggle, mostly with Daddy.
* can put together all the wooden puzzles we have. I usually use this activity when I need to cook dinner.
* has stolen our hearts and makes us laugh everyday. :)

Maggie had to do a mini photo session to celebrate being a year and half!

Happy Eighteen Months, Maggie Ruth! We love you so much!

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