Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Day 2014

Atlanta is experiencing some CRAZY weather today, but luckily our family has not dealt with any stress or traffic standstills. Jay lucked out and left work right before everyone in Atlanta hopped in their cars to avoid the snow and ice. It only took him an hour to get home, which is not much longer than his usual 30 minute drive. There are some people still in their cars after 8 hour commutes home, and many students are stuck at school to spend the night! Insane!!
I promised the babies that we could play in the snow after naps, so I bundled Tuttle, Maggie, and Gigi up and headed outside.
I made everyone, including Jay and Smelly, pose for the classic snow picture. :)

Snow Angels.

It did not take long for Gigi and Tuttle to taste the snow, but Maggie was having none of that!

Tuttle LOVED the snow. He lasted the longest in the cold. After about 30 minutes, the girls were ready to come in, so I let Tuttle play in the backyard for a few minutes by himself.
Hot chocolate wrapped up our adventure in the snow. :)
On a side note, everyone DEVOURED spaghetti tonight for dinner. Maggie and Tuttle were so messy that a bath was necessary. I washed both babies, and then headed to the kitchen to clean dishes while they played. (Our bathroom is directly around the corner from the kitchen.) A few minutes later, Tuttle starts reprimanding Maggie. I walk into the bathroom to find that Maggie has pooped all over the tub! Gross!!
This little girl is a MESS!

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