Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Family Game Day!

This past weekend we traveled to Athens for our annual family game day. We try to pick a low key game every year to take the kids, and this year was extra special because it was Jacob's first game ever! Sadly Aunt Peach and Holland had been sick, so they had to miss it. :(

We drove up to Granny's house Friday afternoon (and battled two hours of traffic) to be ready for the noon game on Saturday against Lousiana-Lafayette. Grandmommy and Grandaddy joined us at the house, too. We enjoyed a lazy morning at the house before dressing in our red and black. I love this picture of the babies and Grandmommy and Grandaddy!

We parted ways with Grandmommy and Grandaddy at the gates because they had been invited to sit in the sky box. We headed to our seats with pizza and hot dogs. In true Jacob fashion, he would not sit still in the seats, so we spent most of the first half walking around the stadium.

He did like the action of the fans and the game. 

It is fun to see how Tuttle is quickly growing up and becoming interested in the actual plays on the field. I know Tuttle and Daddy will soon be able to attend games and actually watch the Dawgs win!

Maggie caught a ride on Daddy's shoulders. 

Right at halftime, the wind and cold finally won, and we all opted to return to Granny's house for a nap and an early dinner. Jacob's first game was a success and a win for the Dawgs!

Sunday I got a rare afternoon with only Tuttle. I took him to a friend's birthday party, and we arrived 30 minutes early, so I spent some time talking to my first baby and taking some pictures. I am ignoring the fact that he looks 15 in the photo.

Since the kids are out of school all week, Aunt Peach and I made plans to visit the High Museum on Monday. My GPS alerted me that the museum was closed when I plugged the address into my phone, and I quickly learned that the museum is closed on Mondays. We decided to grab lunch and ice cream instead. I cannot believe we will add another cousin to this crazy crew in ONE MONTH!

Today we are enjoyed a rare pajama day at home before the Thanksgiving celebrations begin.

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