Friday, June 21, 2013

Pirate Camp

This week Tuttle attended pirate camp at his preschool. It was Monday through Friday from 9am until 1pm, so it was a long day filled with a lot of fun activities! Pirates have always been a favorite theme at our house, so Tuttle could not get enough of all the action at school.

He came home with the cutest crafts throughout the week, including a pirate hat, necklace, telescope, parrot puppet, and a treasure box. 

Each day had a major activity planned. He broke a sweat on an obstacle course, splashed around and climbed on inflatables for Water Day, munched on popcorn and watched a little move on Pajama Day, and searched for treasure with REAL pirates.

Tuttle had the sweetest teachers. One of the teachers was the daughter of the school director and actually lives one street over from us. I got her information to babysit in the near future!

Since Tuttle loves anything pirates, we had a lot of clothing to match the theme. From tshirts to a bathing suit and finally the grand finale: His Halloween Costume! It was a huge hit at camp!

I hope Tuttle is not too disappointed that camp is over next week! He had a blast!!

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