Wednesday, June 12, 2013

T-Ball Practice with Grumps

Yesterday Tuttle had his second t-ball practice, and Grumps agreed to come help him while I chased after the girls. It started off great. Tuttle was thrilled to play baseball with Grumps, the girls were LOVING the grass between their toes as they walked and crawled around the field, and the breeze was helping make the ninety degree weather feel perfect. But quickly it was clear that Tuttle never napped and the girls fell asleep in the car on the way home from our morning adventure to Fernbank and never wanted to go back to sleep once we arrived home (which resuled in a 30 minute nap vs. the normal 2 hour nap) and the temperature really made everyone hot, sweaty, and more tired. Soon the girls were both crying the stroller, and Tuttle was complaining that his tummy hurt. I was so relieved that Grumps was there to witness and help during the final meltdown!

Not every event with three kids is a success. :)

I did snap some sweet pictures that make the practice look like a piece of cake!

 First At Bat

This is one of my new favorite pictures of Maggie. She took her first steps last week, but at t-ball practice she was standing up from a seated position and taking a few steps independently! Before yesterday, she would not take steps unless I stood her up and prompted her. Jay pointed out that she looks just like a cheerleader. Go, Super Swingers! :)

Luckily fruit snacks, a bar, and a juice box make everything better. The girls were asleep in the car before we left the parking lot.

While I am reliving this practice through the blog now, I get tired all over again!! :)

Grumps, thank you for your help!

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