Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sleepover with Friends

It had been a while since the kids and I had seen Stella and Dylan, so I contacted their mom several weeks ago to plan a sleepover at their house. I gave Brian and Sarah the night off, and Maggie, Tuttle, and I went to their house last night for pizza, a movie, and a slumber party!

Stella was such a big help with Maggie, and Tuttle could not get enough of hanging out with his old pals.

Stella offered to let Tuttle sleep in her bed, so I agreed as long as Tuttle did not take his paci. The "big kids" were staying upstairs, and pacis are not used by big kids. :) I was prepared to hear crying at some point since it was the first night in Tuttle's ENTIRE life that he did not have his pacifier, but the night was a COMPLETE success! Yeah!

We ended the sleepover with cinnamon rolls and a little playtime this morning. We cannot wait to see Stella and Dylan again!

Another memory I want to remember is Tuttle's dental appointment Friday morning. We tried the dentist about six months ago, but it was a complete failure. This time Tuttle had two requests that are still cracking me up!

1. He wanted to wear his new swim goggles during the exam.
2. He wanted the nurse to count his teeth in Spanish.

 The appointment started off with a lot of excitement, but as soon as Tuttle saw the dental chair, he freaked out! The nurse was very accommodating and gave Tuttle an abbreviated exam in a small office near the waiting room. After several minutes of convincing Tuttle that the exam would not hurt, he allowed the nurse to count and polish his teeth. I am planning to try a pediatric dentist next time and see if that makes a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
